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The policies for the Kent Pension Fund are:

This details how we communicate with scheme members and employers. Read the communication policy (PDF, 491.7 KB)

This details the employer and Fund responsibilities to administer the scheme. It includes the Fund’s commitments to new, existing, deferred and pensioner members. Read the administration strategy (PDF, 376.2 KB)

This details how we manage the Fund to ensure that there will be enough assets to meet pension liabilities and maintain stable employer contribution rates. Read the funding strategy statement (PDF, 267.9 KB)

The Fund's contribution review policy for employers. Read the contribution review policy (PDF, 140.6 KB)

This details how the Fund manages exit payments when an employer leaves. Read the deferred debt and debt spreading agreement policies (PDF, 216.0 KB)

This demonstrates Kent Pension Fund’s good performance, sound management and effective stewardship of public funds. Read the governance policy and compliance statement (PDF, 432.8 KB)

This sets out the key principles underpinning the Fund’s investment strategy. It takes account of risk and the suitability of different types of investment to meet long term liabilities. Read the investment strategy statement (PDF, 466.2 KB)

The Fund’s revised Responsible Investment (RI) policy sets out its approach to responsible investment and the actions the Fund, and its external providers, take on its behalf to protect the Fund and its assets from Environmental, Social, Corporate Governance (ESG) and reputational risk. This policy replaces previous statements on responsible ownership and fossil fuel investment. Read the responsible investment policy (PDF, 624.1 KB)

The training strategy for members of the Pension Fund Committee and the Local Pension Board. Read the training strategy (PDF, 215.8 KB)

This sets out the Fund’s policy and procedures for identifying, monitoring, and where necessary reporting breaches of the law. Read the policy for recording and reporting breaches of the law (PDF, 362.0 KB)

This outlines the position of the abatement of pensions adopted by the Kent Pension Fund. Read the policy for abatement of retirement pensions in new employment (PDF, 101.2 KB)

Kent County Council, as administering authority to the Kent Pension Fund, determines its discretionary policies in accordance with the LGPS Regulations 2013 and related legislation. Read the statement of administering authority discretions policy (PDF, 312.5 KB)

This details how actual and potential conflicts of interest are identified and managed by those involved in the management and governance of the Kent Pension Fund. Read the conflicts of interest policy (PDF, 332.1 KB)

This details the plan to ensure records are maintained correctly, accurate data is supplied, and the Fund complies with The Pension Regulator's code of practice. Read the data quality policy (PDF, 298.4 KB)