Our responsibilities

The administering authority for Kent Pension Fund (the Fund) is Kent County Council (KCC). There is a clear distinction between KCC and the Fund. The assets of the Fund are held completely separately to those of KCC and over 400 other participating employers in the Fund.

Day to day management

Day to day management of the Fund is the responsibility of Kent County Council officers:

  • John Betts, Interim Corporate Director Finance
  • Nick Buckland, Head of Pensions and Treasury
  • James Graham, Pension Fund and Treasury Investments Manager
  • Clare Chambers, Pensions Administration Manager.

Kent County Council Pension Section responsibilities

We are responsible for the administration of the fund which includes:

  • maintenance of pension records
  • calculation of benefits
  • communications to all members
  • employer liaison
  • technical compliance and guidance.

Kent County Council Treasury and Investments responsibilities

  • the preparation of the Funds accounts
  • the collection of contributions from employers
  • the day to day liaison with the Fund investment managers
  • managing the Funds cash flow.