KARF constitution

1.Name of organisation

  1. Kent Active Retirement Fellowship.


  1. To promote social, cultural, educational, leisure and fellowship activities
  2. To provide advice, companionship and support to members
  3. To provide informal representation to Kent County Council.


  1. All retired persons in receipt of a pension paid through the Kent Pension Fund
  2. Spouse/partner of eligible retired person
  3. Other persons in the employment of Kent County Council, or other employers admitted to the Kent Pension Fund, at the time of their retirement.


  1. The organisation shall have a federal type composition
  2. Local branches shall be set up according to local demand
  3. A corporate organisation shall exist based at county level.



  1. Branch Officers and Branch Committee shall be elected annually
  2. Branches shall be autonomous within the provisions of the Constitution and Fellowship rules.


  1. A Coordinating Board shall be elected
  2. Half the members of the Coordinating Board shall be elected at each Annual General Meeting by simple majority voting of those Fellowship members present
  3. The Board shall elect Officers annually
  4. The current Chairman of the County Council shall be invited to hold the office of Honorary President
  5. There shall be no more than two members from each Branch serving on the Coordinating Board in any one year. However, if there are insufficient nominations from the individual Branches of Kent Active Retirement Fellowship, the Coordinating Board has the authority to allow more than two members from any one Branch to serve so that the Coordinating Board can carry out its duties.


  1. The annual Fellowship subscription shall be proposed by the Board after consultation with Branch Chairpersons and approved by a simple majority of those voting at the Annual General Meeting of the Fellowship
  2. Revenue from annual subscriptions shall be collected by Branches according to membership numbers
  3. Branches may levy admission fees for organised events and other relevant charges agreed locally
  4. Financial systems and procedures shall be managed as set out in the Fellowship rules
  5. Insurance shall be arranged centrally by the Coordinating Board.



  1. Branch Committees shall meet not less than four times a year.
  2. Branch Annual General Meetings shall be held locally.
  3. Sub-Committees or Working Parties shall be created according to  temporary need.


  1. The Coordinating Board shall meet not less than four times a  year.
  2. The Coordinating Board shall arrange and organise an Annual  General Meeting of the Fellowship members.
  3. Sub-Committees or Working Parties shall be created according to  temporary need.
  4. The Coordinating Board shall arrange a Branch Chairpersons’  meeting at least once a year.

8.Winding up

  1. The Fellowship shall be wound up by a majority of those voting at a special general meeting.


  1. The provisions of this Constitution, as amended by the Annual General Meeting, shall operate together with a set of Fellowship Rules.

Updated December 2008